DropSync for Shuttle Drives

If you're anything like me, then you use many computers during the course of a week.  You also might use many different hard drives.  I recently found this cheap $10 app that makes working across different computers and external hard drives a LOT easier.  It is called DropSync.

This app allows you to synchronize folders across drives of your choosing.  So how is this useful?

Scenario 1 - You want to take a project home with you on a shuttle drive.  You make changes.  Maybe make some new files (or delete some) then need to copy back only the changes to your work machine when you get in the next day.  This does that!

Scenario 2 - You want a backup of your Lightroom photos and catalog backups?  This does that with ease.

Scenario 3 - Let's say 2 editors start out with 2 identical drives but are working together on a single project.  At the end of each day you can do a right to left, then a left to right sync and both editors will be caught up with all of the new files they created each day.  Pretty awesome.

You can manually run the sync operation by running the app.  Also, another cool option available with the r sync functionality is to have the backup copy be created immediately when the original file is created.  This assumes your backup drive is mounted of course.  Give it a shot, it's cheap and pretty powerful.  Credit goes to Kanen Flowers for introducing me to this great little too.


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