Starting Fresh in a New Year

1/200th sec, f/2, ISO 100, Canon 50 1.4 with wireless flash

1/200th sec, f/2, ISO 100, Canon 50 1.4 with wireless flash

I know I'm a tad late on this, but thought what better place to toss out some goals of mine publicly and see how many stick come December 2012.  I got to spend the holidays in Plano with my family and meet my brand new niece (above) the day after she was born.  She is far cuter than any video or image can resemble.

Now onward with some goals:

  1. Become a better Husband and Daddy. Simply put, to get to know my beautiful wife and smart son better than I ever have by spending lots of quality time together.

  2. Lose 50 pounds as usual. ;)

  3. Create a real demo reel for the first time since I started in post 8 years ago.

  4. Write-Shoot-Edit 1 short film.

  5. Make at least 1 photograph a week all year. iPhone doesn't count.

  6. Shred pow on at least 1 +12" day this season.

  7. Kayak the Numbers at med-high flow.

Here's to a new year with new possibilites! PS- this was all typed with my left hand, more on that to come.


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