DaVinci Resolve Remote Rendering

Did you know that you can export a video and continue to work in Resolve simultaneously? Learn how to set up remote rendering for DaVinci Resolve Studio.

Remote Rendering Quick Setup

Here’s how to render your timeline out using a 2nd computer to free up your main DaVinci Resolve workstation (so you can keep working in resolve on other tasks).

  • Right-click in the project manager of the secondary “Render Computer” on your network to go into “Remote Render” mode.

  • Then, on your main Resolve computer - after adding a job on the deliver page to the render queue, click the wifi-looking button to send the render to the remote computer available to render on your network.

  • It’ll turn blue, and once you initiate the render, you can go back to cutting, comping, grading, or mixing something else while the “remote render” machine does all the hard timeline crunching on the 2nd computer.

Oh, and if you want to really geek out with me today, stick around to the last chapter, and I’ll walk you through how to use the terminal on a Mac to get even faster remote render speeds on my new M4 Mini.

Remote Render Requirements

  1. Resolve Studio

    Resolve Preference - System - General - Auto Scan other project libraries for remote rendering jobs - on all computers.

  2. Network or Blackmagic Cloud Server (login to Blackmagic cloud or load the local network access key)

  3. Shared Media Access (Synology NAS or Shared Samsung SSD)

    (drfx, fonts, plugins, etc…)

  4. Ethernet (recommended 10gbe or 2.5gbe)

Sharing over a Network

  1. Remote Render Computer

    Mac System Settings - General - Sharing

    Enable Screen Sharing (note the IP Address) (Jump Desktop, Parsec, Teamviewer)

    Remote Login - for SSH terminal access, full disk access for remote

  2. Main Artist Computer

    Mac System Settings - General - File Sharing

    Add external SSD volume storing Footage to share as a network volume to the remote computer

The GUI Workflow via Screen Sharing

  1. Screen Sharing App (add as virtual display 1, right-click before opening computer)

  2. Open Resolve on M4, remote rendering

  3. Main Artist Computer, add to render queue - wifi button choose computer (need restart if already running, the first time). Any will use the first available computer in the network.

  4. If Render Machine already has resolve open - workspace menu - remote render - always waiting for a job.

  5. Quick tip - Render Queue saves everything and gets slow to open the deliver page after a while - show all projects and delete.

The (faster) Headless Workflow via SSH

//ssh into the remote machine, login with terminal

ssh username@ipaddress

// enter your password for that user

// navigate to the root directory of the Mac

cd /

// navigate to the Resolve command within the application with

cd /Applications/DaVinci\ Resolve/DaVinci\ Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/

// initiate the remote render service

./Resolve -rr

// to close the remote render service type control c and exit


This is super pro-Hollywood-level stuff built right into Resolve Studio - and if you have Resolve Studio, you also have a license to Fusion Studio with a dedicated Render Manger for image sequence rendering using all available horsepower you have available on your network. This Fusion Renderer deserves a dedicated tutorial.

Hey, I’m Chadwick. If you want to learn more about Resolve workflows or ALL Resolve workflows—I’ve seen and experienced a lot - reach out to me on my contact page, and maybe I can help with a one-on-one. I appreciate you, as always, and because there’s so much more to learn… I’ll see you in the next video!


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