Mastering Sync: The B and P Trick in DaVinci Resolve

As a video editor, I always prefer working with audio and video recorded separately, ideally synchronized using timecode with devices like Tentacle Sync. However, when that’s not possible, using quality scratch audio recorded directly into the camera can help with syncing in post-production.

But sometimes, we need even better sync. Enter the B and P trick—a manual editing method to refine audio-video synchronization when technology falls short, particularly in scenarios where there was no clap or slate marker on set.

Why B and P?

Whenever someone says a word that starts with B or P, we gain a visual sync point within the image. Think of the B and P sounds as your clapperboard! Let’s walk through how to utilize this technique in DaVinci Resolve 19.

Syncing in DaVinci Resolve 19

  1. Getting Started: Begin by importing your video and audio clips into Resolve's Media Page. This page is distinct from the Edit Page, featuring a dedicated audio tab with a waveform section specifically designed for syncing audio.

  2. Adjusting Your Workspace: To maximize your workspace, close the media storage tab and expand the audio waveform section. This gives you more room to work and listen.

  3. Enabling Audio Scrubbing: If you don’t hear audio while scrubbing through clips, enable audio scrubbing by going to the Timeline menu and selecting Audio Scrubbing. The keyboard shortcut is Shift + S. This feature allows you to hear the audio as you navigate through the timeline, which is essential for syncing.

  4. Finding Your Sync Points: Use your arrow keys to navigate to the frame where the speaker starts to say a word that begins with B or P. You’ll want to align this visual cue with the corresponding audio.

  5. Using the Sync Point: Once you identify the sync point (like the moment the mouth opens for a B), select that frame and use the lower right chain link icon to link the audio and video clips together. This effectively syncs your audio with the visual cue.

  6. Refining the Sync: If you need to make adjustments later, simply click the chain link icon again to unlink the clips. Move the video by one frame (if necessary) and relink them. This manual adjustment can significantly improve your sync quality.

Auto Sync with Timecode

If you have timecode available, you can also sync your clips automatically. Here’s how:

  1. Select Your Clips: Click on all the relevant clips in the Media Page.

  2. Right-Click for Auto Sync: Choose Auto Sync Audio, then select Timecode. This method is instantaneous and straightforward, as it uses numerical values to align audio and video.

  3. Refining with B and P: After syncing, if the audio still isn’t perfectly aligned, use the B and P trick to fine-tune the sync. Unlink the clips and adjust the video clip by the necessary frames, then relink them.

Additional Tips

  • Managing Multiple Microphones: If you're using multiple microphones, you can control what audio goes to the timeline. Make sure your clip is loaded in the viewer, enable audio scrubbing, and navigate to the Inspector. Uncheck any unwanted audio channels to isolate the microphone you prefer.

  • Clip Attributes on the Fairlight Page: When changing microphones, do it on the Fairlight page to avoid potential bugs. Right-click the clip, go to Clip Attributes, and select your desired microphone.

Final Thoughts

Utilizing the B and P trick alongside the auto sync features in DaVinci Resolve 19 can elevate your editing process, especially when dealing with separate audio and video tracks. If you're new here, welcome! I’m Chadwick, a New York-based Resolve commercial finishing artist and master trainer. I love sharing these tips and appreciate your questions.

Stay tuned for more insights in the next video!


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