Saving Magic Mask

DOWNLOAD Resolve STUDIO 19 ONLY FILES ON CUTTING CLUB - Saving Magic Mask, Mask Paint, Applying Roto for Blurs and MORE

Chapter Marked Topics 

  • Rendering Fusion Handles

  • magic mask A/B drawing checks, 

  • the best EXR format for saving roto mattes for future refinement, 

  • using the bitmap node to reduce the exr file size, 

  • Mask Paint to fix flickering,

  • Double Erode trick to fill holes,

  • Using shapes to subtract or merge,

  • And how to finally copy the exr alpha matte back into the RGB image with the matte control node. 

  • Oh and also how you directly take this refined matte to use on the control page for precise grading control. 

  • And We will wrap up looking at using all these skills to get a broadcast quality blur on overlapping background objects that could be be for Hiding Legal issues, or simulating some added lens blur.


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